Welcome to Cambridge Drive Community Church
At Cambridge Drive we're blessed. We're located in one of the most beautiful areas in the country. We have a small, warm, and welcoming congregation. We strive to provide a safe space where every person of any ability is loved for who they are. We'd love to share that space with you.
We're currently worshiping inside but occasionally hold services outdoors, especially when the public health situation calls for caution and social distancing. We have a sizable outside area we call "the church park" with a number of mature trees that provide adequate shade for special gatherings and your everyday picnic lunch.
Inside, our spacious and acessible sanctuary is full of comfortable chairs and a gender neutral bathroom. We don't currently offer childcare, but we do have programming (including some Bible instruction, fun, and crafts) for children that begins about halfway through the service.
Our sermons are available for viewing here on our website for those those who are unable to join us in person or who are uncomfortable with physical gatherings.
Join us this Sunday at 10:30 AM, we'd love to get to know you!
If you worship with us on a Sunday morning, you can expect...
a welcoming & affirming community...
inspiring messages...
a safe space to be yourself...
Come as you are,
Come who you are,
You are loved!